Below you will find a range of training, instructional and support information for using the RIW System. You can browse the various categories, or type keywords into the search box. If you are new to RIW, please view the Getting Started category.
Knowledge Centre Search
How can a company manage colleague logins or add another RIW System User?
RIW System users are individuals within a company or organisation who need to use the RIW System. This instruction demonstrates how to manage colleague logins and add or remove system users.
Please refer to our article How to create multiple user roles for the same user? if you require a user to manage multiple user permissions on the same login.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
1 | Go to and login with your credentials. |
2 | Click on My Account > Manage Colleague Logins. |
3 | On the Manage Colleague Logins screen, click on the Add button. |
4 | On the Create a Colleague’s User Account screen, fill in the required information by choosing the appropriate User Role, and then entering the user’s First Name, Surname, Email Address, Mobile Number and User Name. You will only be able to add the user role(s) applicable to your permission. Refer to the matrix at the end of this document for the permissions your role can create. Click Save when complete. The user will receive an email to activate their account and set their password, granting them access to the RIW System. |
RIW user role creation permission matrix
The table below outlines RIW System user roles and the corresponding user roles they can create using the Manage Colleague Logins function described above.
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Send feedbackMy account is locked. What should I do?
This article covers how to request an unlock of an RIW System user or myRIW account.
RIW System or myRIW accounts are locked after a number of subsequent unsuccessful password or username combination attempts.
This instruction applies to all RIW System and myRIW user roles.
Unlocking an RIW System or myRIW account
1 | Go to and select category & sub-category mentioned in the below screenshot: ![]() |
2 | Fill in the Request to unlock RIW or myRIW account with your First Name, Surname, RIW number or RIW System user name, Company name, Email address and Phone number. Click Send. |
3 | Your request will be sent to the RIW Service Desk who will contact you by email to confirm your account has been unlocked and instructions on resetting your password. |
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Send feedbackHow to create multiple user roles / colleague logins for the same user?
This article describes how to create multiple user roles for the same user using one set of login credentials. This functionality is also known as the User Role Permission Switcher.
Many RIW System users perform multiple roles, and this feature allows users to change role without logging in using different login credentials each time.
For example, an RIW System User can switch between a Network Manager login, then to a company Employer Admin login, then to a Medical Provider User, all using the same singular login credential.
In order to use the User Role Permission Switcher, new user profiles must be created with the same username and email address for each permission required for the switcher to work.
Important! RIW System users are only able to create a login if their permission allows them to do so (please refer to the Permission Matrix at the end of this article). If there is an RIW System User Role that a user wishes to have added to their switcher that they are unable to create due to their permissions, please contact the relevant account owner or the RIW Service Desk.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
Adding a new user role to an existing user
1 | Go to and login using your credentials. |
2 | Click on My Account > Manage Colleague Logins. |
3 | On the Manage Colleague Logins screen, click on the Add button. |
4 | On the Create a Colleague’s User Account select the most appropriate User Role you wish to add, then entering the the user’s First Name, Surname, Email Address and User Name. You will need to use the exact Email Address and User Name of an existing user (which can also be you) before proceeding. Click Save when complete. |
5 | You will be prompted with the following warning message, which identifies that an account for this user already exist. Click on Confirm New Profile to proceed. The user will receive an email to advise that a new user profile has been created for them. They can then use the permission switcher to switch between user roles. |
How to use the permission switcher
1 | Go to and login using your credentials. |
2 | If you have the permission switcher enabled on your credential, the Change link will be present in the top right hand corner of the screen, against the current user role. ![]() Click Change to select a different profile. System functionality will now change to that of the selected user role. |
RIW user role creation permission matrix
The table below outlines RIW System user roles and the corresponding user roles they can create using the Manage Colleague Logins function described above. If an RIW System user requires a user role they are unable to create themselves, please contact the Primary Contact at your company or complete the Request for update to AHP or Assessor log in to enable the switcher Service Request available on the RIW website for Assessor and Medical Provider (AHP) logins.
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Send feedbackHow can a company delete a colleague login?
This article details how to remove a colleague login from the RIW System when the colleague has left the company.
Colleague logins can only be deleted by current users from the same company. If there are no users with an active login, please contact the RIW Service Desk on to have the user deleted and a new user created.
Users are never fully deleted from the RIW System for auditing purposes, however, will become inactive and locked out by following these instructions. To reinstate a previously deleted user, please contact the RIW Service Desk on
Any saved and scheduled reports by a deleted user will be cancelled when the account is made inactive.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Client Manager
- Employer Admin
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
1 | Go to and login using your credentials. |
2 | Click on My Account > Manage Colleague Logins. |
3 | On the Manage Colleague Logins screen, locate the colleague you wish to delete from the system. Click the record and Delete. Confirm the deletion of the user on the pop-up by clicking OK. The colleague's credentials have now been deleted. |
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Send feedbackI have forgotten my password. What do I do?
If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgotten Password link on the login page on both the RIW System and myRIW.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Assessor
- Client Manager
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
- Medical Provider User
- Rail Industry Worker (myRIW)
For RIW System users
1 | Go to The Forgotten Password link can be found next to the login button or by clicking on the following link: |
2 | On the Password Reset screen enter your User Name and Email Address and click Reset Password. |
3 | The system will email you a link to reset your password. This must be done within 24 hours of the email being sent as the link will expire. If this occurs, just use the Forgotten Password function again to resend another request. After a number of attempts of incorrectly entering the wrong password, the RIW System will lock you out. If you receive this message, please raise a service request to unlock your RIW account at by selecting the category & sub-category mentioned in the screenshot below: |
For myRIW users
1 | Go to The Forgotten Password link can be found below the login button or by clicking on the following link: |
2 | On the Password Reset screen enter your RIW Number and Email Address and click Reset Password. |
3 | The system will email you a link to reset your password. This must be done within 24 hours of the email being sent as the link will expire. If this occurs, just use the Forgotten Password function again to resend another request. After a number of attempts of incorrectly entering the wrong password, the myRIW System will lock you out. If you receive this message, please raise a service request to unlock your myRIW account at by selecting the category & sub-category mentioned in the screenshot below: |
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Send feedbackHow does a RIW System User change their own password?
This article details how a RIW System User can change their password in the RIW System.
Cardholders can change their myRIW password by following the instructions in How does a cardholder change their password in myRIW
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Assessor
- Client Manager
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
- Medical Provider User
1 | Go to and log in using your credentials. |
2 | Click on My Account > Change Password. |
3 | On the Change Password screen enter your current password in the Old Password field, and then enter the New Password and Confirm Password. Tick the I'm not a robot checkbox, follow the prompts and then Save. Note: the password must be at least 10 characters long and contain at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 numeric character and 1 symbol character. |
4 | The system will prompt you to log in again using your new password. |
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Send feedbackHow to reset an RIW System User password
RIW System Users can assist colleagues by triggering the reset password process. This will send an email to a colleague with a link to reset their password.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: My Account tab
Click on the My Account tab which is on the top of the screen.
Step 3: Manage Colleague Logins shortcut
Click on the Manage Colleague Logins shortcut.
Step 4: Manage Colleague Logins listing
A list of all the company's users will appear. The selection can be narrowed by populating the Search field and clicking on the Search button.
Step 3: Resetting the password
Select the correct colleague by highlighting the row, then click on the Reset Password field. This will send an email to the administrator which will include a link to reset the password.
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Send feedbackTwo-factor authentication and the RIW System
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is used to improve the security of your RIW account. It requires you to produce a combination of your RIW System username and password, and one of the following authentication methods:
- Email security code
- SMS security code
- Authenticator App security code
You will need to authenticate your profile every day you log in to your account, or more frequently if using in-private or incognito browsing.
For 2FA to work effectively, ensure your email and mobile phone number is always up to date in the RIW System. If you are an Assessor, you can update your details in myRIW.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Assessor (note: only SMS and email authentication methods are available)
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Helpdesk
- Medical Provider
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider
1 | Go to and enter your Username and Password. Click Login. |
2 | Choose an authentication option. In the example below, all verification methods are available. If you only have an email address on your account, only an email option will be available. If you have not set up the Authenticator App, refer to How set up the Authenticator App. ![]() It may take up to a few minutes for your security code to arrive. Try authenticating with an alternative method if you do not receive your code. TIP! If sending the security code to your email, try looking in your junk mail. |
3 | Enter the security code delivered to your device and click Login. ![]() |
Check out our tips and resolution steps if you haven't received your two-factor authentication security code.
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Send feedbackHow to set up the Authenticator App
Learn how to set up the Authenticator App for two-factor authentication when signing in to the RIW System.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
- Medical Provider User
This instruction does not apply to the following RIW System user roles:
- Assessor
- Rail Industry Worker
1 | Go to and log in with your Username and Password. |
2 | Click on My Account > Two Factor Authentication > Set up. |
3 | A Set up the Authenticator App window will display. Follow the instructions to download a recommended two-factor authentication app to your smartphone, such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator. In your Authenticator App, add an account and when prompted, scan the QR code from the RIW System. If you are unable to scan the image, you can enter the code from the RIW screen into your app. ![]() The Authenticator App will display a one-time password (OTP), which you must enter on the Set up an Authenticator App window. Click Verify when complete. |
4 | Enter your RIW System password and OK to confirm the changes. ![]() |
5 | Two factor authentication will now be configured for your account. ![]() |
6 | To choose the Authenticator App when you next log in, follow our instructions in Two-factor authentication and the RIW System. |
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Send feedbackI haven't received my two-factor authentication security code
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a method used by the RIW System and myRIW to improve the security of your account. It requires you to produce a combination of your username and password, and one of the following authentication methods:
- Email security code
- SMS security code
- Authenticator App code (only available to RIW System users)
You can find out more about two-factor authentication at:
If you have not received your verification code on one of the methods above, follows these tips to determine the issue and the solution.
Email authentication
Issue | Solution |
Incorrect email on your profile | Rail Industry Worker - ask your Employer (the company who manages your RIW profile) to update your contact details. RIW System users - ask a colleague who also has RIW credentials to update your contact details through the manage my colleagues function. If you don't have any colleagues who have access, get in touch with the RIW Service Desk. |
Correct email but did not receive the security code. | Check your spam, junk or quarantine folder and release the blocked email. If you still can't locate it, try another authentication method. |
Invalid code | Your security code was entered incorrectly. Try entering in the code again, completing the I'm not a robot challenge. Or you can try sending another code by clicking Back or using another authentication method. |
SMS authentication
Issue | Solution |
Incorrect mobile number on your profile | Rail Industry Worker - ask your Employer (the company who manages your RIW profile) to update your contact details. RIW System users - ask a colleague who also has RIW credentials to update your contact details through the manage my colleagues function. If you don't have any colleagues who have access, get in touch with the RIW Service Desk. |
Invalid code | Your security code was entered incorrectly. Try entering in the code again, completing the I'm not a robot challenge. Or you can try sending another code by clicking Back or using another authentication method. |
Authenticator App (for RIW System users only)
Issue | Solution |
Code not received | You may need to reinstall your Authenticator App. However, you will need to use another authentication method to access the RIW System before you set up the Authenticator App again. |
Invalid code | Your security code had expired or was entered incorrectly. If expired, wait for the Authenticator App to generate a new security code (usually every 30 seconds) and try again. If you entered it in incorrectly and it the security code is still active, try again. Or try using another authentication method by clicking Back. |
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Send feedbackGetting ready for two-factor authentication
We have introduced two-factor authentication to make your RIW or myRIW account even more secure.
What has changed?
When you log in to the RIW System or myRIW after the 12 October 2022, we will require you to produce a combination of your username and password, and one of the following authentication methods:
- Email security code
- SMS security code
- Authenticator App security code (only available to RIW System Users)
You will need to authenticate your profile every day you log in, or more frequently if using in-private or incognito browsing.
What do you need to do?
To best protect your account, make sure your personal contact information is up to date. We'll use these details to verify you.
Rail Industry Workers can update their mobile phone number and email address in myRIW. You can also request your employer to update your contact details in the RIW System.
RIW System users can update their email address and mobile phone number now. After release on 12 October 2022, you will also be able to install the Authenticator App.
Why are we doing this?
Adding an additional layer of security protects your account. Sending a security code to a mobile number or email address or by using your Authenticator App, ensures that the person accessing the account has more than just a username and password, meaning it is far less likely that your account can be compromised.
What if I am managing an account on someone else's behalf?
No one should be managing your account but you. Our System Access Rules clearly state that you must keep your credentials secure and not share those credentials with any other person. As a company, if you need to create additional logins for system users, please follow our instructions on creating colleague logins.
Rail Industry Workers should never share their credentials, even with their employer.
What do I do if my account has been compromised?
Please contact us as soon as possible so we can assist in securing your account.
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