Below you will find a range of training, instructional and support information for using the RIW System. You can browse the various categories, or type keywords into the search box. If you are new to RIW, please view the Getting Started category.
Knowledge Centre Search
What is a competency?
Competence (or competency) is the ability to demonstrate knowledge or the application of a task successfully and consistently, which can be demonstrated through qualification, accreditation, validation and re-validation authorisation, currency and certification.
There are some competencies, such as safe working competencies, that expire within a nominated time frame. This means that a worker would need to be re-assessed to remain competent.
A qualification or unit of competency issued under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations can also be considered a competency. For the purposes of the Rail Industry Worker Program and the safety critical nature of the roles performed, most qualifications/units do not expire. However workers may be required to prove they have maintained the appropriate level of competency against certain units. A re-validation date will be shown in the RIW System for this purpose.
In the RIW System, competencies are categorised as:
- National – a competency that is nationally recognised, such as TLIF10001A Follow Occupational Health & Safety Procedures, which can be uploaded to the RIW System by an Employer Administrator or Registered Training Organisation.
- Employer – a competency that is specific to an Employer, such as John Holland Examine Track Infrastructure, which can be uploaded to the RIW System by an Employer Administrator.
- Network-Based – a competency that is specific to a Network, such as Queensland Rail Safety Access the Rail Corridor or ARTC National Contractor Induction, which can be uploaded to the RIW System by an Employer Administrator.
- Project-Based – a competency that is specific to a Project, such as NWPA Face to Face Induction (Project Level). Project based competencies can only be awarded by a Project Administrator or by individuals swiping in at a Project by an Access Controller.
- Site-Based – a competency, such as a toolbox talk or induction, which can be awarded to individuals swiping in at site by an Access Controller or Site Based Administrator.
- Zone-Based – similar to a site-based competency but specific to a zone, it can be awarded to individuals swiping in to a zone by an Access Controller or Site Based Administrator.
Who determines the competencies required to work in the rail industry?
To ensure that the RIW Program is fit for purpose and guided by industry, a governance committee was established comprising rail operators, track owners and rail contractors.
The National Rail Industry Worker Matrices Committee (NRIWMC) includes safety managers, competency managers, training managers and other professionals working for accredited rail operators, infrastructure organisations and rail contractor representatives. The NRIWMC is responsible for driving continuous improvement of the RIW Program through developing and reviewing the National Role Matrices and National Business Rules. The National Role Matrices provide standardised roles to allow more access and portability for rail workers across the Australian rail network. Where a Rail Operator still requires specific network roles and competencies, these are developed internally by each Rail Operator and form part of their network role matrices. In addition, both Rail Operators and Contractor Representatives also have the responsibility to develop employer-based roles and competencies, listing the specific requirements to hold the relevant roles for their organisation. You can access the National and Network Operator matrices on the RIW website.
Business Rules have been developed to provide further consistency and an agreed minimum of acceptance criteria for the verification of competence across RIW Program participants. These underlying business rules provide guidance to the RIW Program Service Desk.
For more information please visit the RIW Business Rules page.
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Send feedbackVideo - Assigning and suspending competencies for Employers and Project Administrators
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Send feedbackHow does a company add a competency to a Rail Industry Worker profile?
This article details how a company can add a competency to a Rail Industry Worker profile.
NOTE: You can only upload competencies relevant to your permission in the RIW System. For example, a Site Admin can only add site-based competencies.
All competencies added must meet the minimum acceptance criteria as defined by the RIW Business Rules. Please check the rule first to ensure evidence uploaded meets these requirements.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Helpdesk
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
1 | Go to and log in using your credentials. |
2 | Click on Search for My People. Use the search filters to locate the Rail Industry Worker. Once located, click on the worker's profile and Edit. ![]() |
3 | There are two ways you can add a competency: |
Add a missing competency from a job role
1 | On the Rail Industry Worker's profile, click on Job Roles or Employer Job Roles from the left-hand menu. ![]() The Missing or Invalid Competencies column will display any competencies that need to be added to make the job role valid. To add the competency, click directly on the competency name which will take you to the relevant screen with the competency details pre-populated. ![]() Adjust the Award Date to the date the competency was awarded, then click on Select Files to upload the required evidence. ![]() You can click on + Add Evidence Files to add a file in PDF, JPG or PNG format (maximum 10Mb). Click OK. |
2 | Choose whether the competency can be verified using Standard or Fast Track verification by clicking the relevant radio button. The default setting is Standard.
Verification means that the competency evidence is submitted to the RIW Service Desk to check it meets the business rules. If it meets the rule requirements, the competency will be approved and validate the job role. ![]() When the Award Date has been set, the relevant evidence files uploaded and the verification option chosen, click Add to send the competency for verification. |
Add a competency direct from the relevant competencies menu
1 | On the Rail Industry Worker's profile, click on the relevant competency type from the left-hand menu. ![]() |
2 | Begin typing the name in the Competency field to find the competency to allocate. A drop down menu will appear when you start typing. ![]() |
3 | Once the competency has been chosen, adjust the Award Date to the date the competency was awarded, then click on Select Files to upload the required evidence. ![]() You can click on + Add Evidence Files to add a file in PDF, JPG or PNG format (maximum 10Mb). Click OK. ![]() |
4 | Choose whether the competency can be verified using Standard or Fast Track verification by clicking the relevant radio button. The default setting is Standard.
![]() When the Award Date has been set, the relevant evidence files uploaded and the verification option chosen, click Add to send the competency for verification. |
Video - Assigning / Suspending Competencies
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Send feedbackWho determines the competencies required by a RIW cardholder to work in the rail industry?
Each Network Operator has consulted with internal and external subject matter experts to determine the competencies required by individuals to perform rail operator specific job roles on their Network.
The National Rail Industry Worker Matrices Committee (NRIWMC) has also invited internal and external subject matter experts to assist in creating a national set of job roles.
This provides industry with a cohesive national approach of what is required to work in the rail industry.
These competency requirements are detailed on the RIW website on the Network Operator Matrices page.
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Send feedbackHow is a competency added to a cardholders profile?
Competencies can be added to a Rail Industry Worker profile in a number of different ways.
![]() | DIRECT UPLOAD BY COMPANY A certificate uploaded by a primary employer, secondary employer or associated company. Generally these competencies need to be verified by the RIW Service Desk or an Employer Verifier (for employer-based competencies) after being checked against the relevant business rule. RIW Service Desk standard verification occurs within 2 business days, however companies can pay for fast track processing, which guarantees verification within 8 business hours for AUD$55.00+GST. Companies can follow instructions in How does a company add a competency to a Rail Industry Worker profile? |
![]() | REGISTERED TRAINING ORGANISATION A certificate is uploaded directly by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). As the RTO is the source of truth, competencies do not need to be verified by the RIW Service Desk. RTO's can follow instructions in How does a Training Provider assign a competency to a cardholder? |
![]() | E-LEARNING A certificate is uploaded after completion of a RIW E-Learning course. As the E-Learning course is the source of truth, competencies do not need to be verified by the RIW Service Desk. Companies can issue E-Learning courses by following instructions in How does a company send an E-Learning request to cardholder? |
![]() | ACCESS CONTROLLER Some site-based competencies can be issued by an Access Controller through the delivery of toolbox talks or briefings through the RIW App or Web Card Reader. These competencies generally do not need verification and will appear on the Rail Industry Worker's profile. These competencies need to be set as awardable by an Access Controller and then scheduled for delivery. Access Controllers can refer to How does an Access Controller award a competency on the RIW App? and How does an Access Controller award a competency in the Web Card Reader? |
![]() | KIOSK Kiosks can issued site-based competencies, such as site inductions or site briefings direct to a Rail Industry Worker's profile. Companies can refer to How does a company add a kiosk site induction? and How do you add and edit kiosk site safety briefings? Rail Industry Workers can refer to How does a cardholder sign in and sign out of an RIW Kiosk? |
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Send feedbackWhat if the name on an RIW profile is different to the name on a certificate/qualification?
If the name on a certificate/qualification or any other documentation being used as evidence is different to the name on a cardholders RIW profile, a Statutory Declaration signed by an ‘authorised witness’ must be added to the cardholders RIW profile by their Primary Employer. Please refer to the RIW Knowledge Centre article How does a company upload a statutory declaration to a cardholders RIW profile?
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Send feedbackHow are competencies displayed on an RIW card?
Competencies are not physically printed on the exterior of the Rail Industry Worker card.
All job roles and competencies are stored electronically on the cardholder's RIW profile in the RIW System. The cardholder's profile can be accessed and read on site by an authorised person, such as an Access Controller or Spot Checker using the RIW App, or by an employer or associated company in the RIW System.
Cardholder's can view the competencies on their RIW profile in myRIW.
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Send feedbackHow does a company manage a rejected competency?
This article details how to manage a competency that has been rejected at the verification stage.
When a competency is rejected, the RIW System User who submitted the evidence will receive email notification that the competency has been rejected. Please refer to the Rejection Reasons & Remediation table at the end of this article for a list of the standard rejection reasons and remediation advice.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: Evidence Verifications
On the Main Dashboard, click on the Evidence Verifications shortcut under the Assessment & Verification tile. The number of rejected verifications will be identified by a blue box notification next to the Evidence Verifications shortcut.
Step 3: Pending Competencies to be Verified
The Pending Competencies to be Verified screen will display, and all cardholders pending verification will surface. To see any rejected verifications, select Rejected from the drop down menu and click Search.
A list similar to below will surface. Scrolling to the right of the screen will show a short description in the Rejection Reason column. (note: this detail is only available for verifications rejected after 9 April 2021).
Step 4: View Verification Notes
To view more details about the rejection, highlight the record and click on View Verification Notes button. A Verification Notes pop-up will appear, detailing the date of rejection, the short rejection reason and rejection reason notes. If the verifier had any additional notes, this is located in the Verification Notes box. This may include additional notes on the rejection and/or instructions on how to rectify the issue.
To close the Verification Notes window, click on the X on the window.
Step 5: View cardholder profile
Once the reason for rejection has been determined, select the cardholder by ticking the Select check box next to the required record, and then click on View Person to be taken to the cardholders profile.
The cardholders profile will now display.
Select the competency type (National, Employer, Network-Based, Project-Based, Site-Based or Zone-based) from the left hand side menu. This will bring up the cardholders valid competencies. Select Show All to view the cardholders pending or rejected verifications, which will display in red.
Step 6
To view the notes relating to the rejected competency, select the icon next to Verification Rejected.
Step 7
This will display a pop-up with the rejected verification notes. The Verifications Team will provide a reason for the rejection and instructions on how to rectify the issue relating to the competency.
Step 8: Re-award competency
Once the reason for the rejection has been addressed, re-award the competency, ensuring the rejection reason has been addressed.
Fill in the fields with the competency name by starting to type in the competency field. This will provide a drop-down list. Select the most appropriate competency (which may be the same as the rejected competency). Enter the Award Date then select Add.
Step 9: Upload evidence
Upload the required competency evidence by clicking on Select files and following the prompts. Then choose Standard or Fast Track processing, noting that fast track costs $55+GST for an 8 business hour turn around. Click on the Add button once complete.
If Standard is selected, the pending verification will display next to the competency name in the cardholders profile. Generally standard competencies are processed within 48 business hours.
Step 10: Fast Track
If Fast Track was selected, the Shopping Basket will display for payment of the fast track fee.
Note: if multiple competencies are required to be fast tracked for the cardholder, continue to add competencies (up to 20) before finalising payment.
Proceed to the Checkout for payment.
Once paid, a confirmation of the transaction will be displayed.
Step 11: Monitor verifications
Competencies can be monitored for verification by returning to the Main Dashboard and clicking on the Evidence Verifications shortcut as described in Step 2.
Rejection Reasons & Remediation
Rejection Reason | Rejection Note & Remediation |
Incorrect personal details | This competency was unable to be verified as the personal details shown on the evidence do not match those recorded against the worker's RIW profile. Please either contact the issuer and submit new evidence or resubmit the evidence along with a statutory declaration. |
Incorrect date of birth | This competency was unable to be verified as the personal details shown on the evidence do not match those recorded against the worker's RIW profile. Please either contact the issuer and submit new evidence or resubmit the evidence along with a statutory declaration. |
Incorrect evidence | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not meet the business rule. Please either contact the issuer and submit new evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Insufficient evidence | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not fulfil the requirements of the Business Rule. Please either contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Competency no longer awardable | This competency has been made non-awardable by the owner. Please refer to the job role screen on the worker’s RIW profile and add the correct version of the competency. Alternatively, please contact the owner of the job role for further information. |
Unit code missing | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not fulfil the requirements of the Business Rule. Statement of Attainments must show completion of the unit listed in the competency title in order for this competency to be verified. Please either contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Incorrect competency selected | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not fulfil the requirements of the Business Rule. Please either contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Evidence expired | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence has expired. Please contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence. |
Evidence altered | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided has been altered. Please contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Evidence illegible | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided is illegible. Please resubmit with a clearer copy of the evidence required to meet the Business Rule. |
Refer to issuer | The RIW Service Desk is unable to verify this competency. Please refer back to the organisation that issued the certificate. |
No primary employer | This competency was unable to be verified as the cardholder does not have a current primary employer. Please resubmit after the cardholder gains primary employment in the RIW System. |
ID Check is pending | This competency was unable to be verified as the cardholder does not have a current ID check. Please resubmit after the ID check has been completed. |
Incorrect network for competency | This competency was unable to be verified, as the incorrect Network has been selected. This competency is defined to a specific Network and should be awarded to that Network before resubmitting. |
Other - See notes | Free text for verifier to add notes. |
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Send feedbackWhat does Always Award New mean?
This article details how the Always Award New flag behaves when creating or editing a competency in the RIW System.
- Always Award New - Selected
- Always Award New – Not Selected
- What happens if I change the AAN Flag?
- Can users still report on the prior award when AAN isn’t selected?
Always Award New - Selected
When a competency is defined as ‘Always Award New’ (AAN), each new award of the competency is treated as a separate unique award. It is displayed and stored as a separate item for each award.
Prior awards which are valid (and not yet expired) are considered when determining job role validity, even where a more recent award of the same competency is recorded but is not yet valid (e.g. awaiting evidence, verification etc.).
Always Award New – Not Selected
When a competency is not defined as AAN (let’s refer to this as a Recert), re-awarding a not-yet expired competency already held by the worker will update the original award by simply extending the expiry to the new expiry date based on the date of the latest award and the competency’s expiry logic/definition. This is also how the update is handled in the database; the expiry date of the original award is overwritten with the new one.
If the previously awarded competency has already expired when the new instance is recorded (i.e. there is a gap between expiry date of the former and award date of the latter) then the system will treat this as a separate award and will not extend the expiry of the original (since the expectation is that the competency must have been held continuously for this to be a valid Recert). In this scenario a new, separate, award will be recorded (i.e. similar to how an AAN award would be processed). However, since this competency has already expired, the prior award would not be considered when determining job role validity.
Where the competency extends the original expiry date due to the continuous holding of the competency (i.e. it is awarded prior to the expiry of the existing award), awarding the ‘extension’ or recertification currently invalidates the competency as a whole (including the prior award) where this recent award/extension requires additional actions to occur (verification, evidence, assessment etc.) before being considered valid.
What happens if I change the AAN Flag?
Changing a competency definition from Always Award New (AAN) to not AAN will not modify all previous awards to group these into one line. It will, when the next award of the competence occurs, extend the most recent previous award with the new expiry date (assuming the previous award had not yet expired - as per standard non AAN logic described above).
In the example below, the cardholder was awarded an AAN competency 4 times (first screenshot) and then the definition was changed to not AAN and awarded the competence again (with an award date of 01/04/20 and a new expiry date of 31/05/20). You can see in the second screenshot below the impact; only the last award has now been extended (because it was still in date when the latest award was created).
Similarly, changing a competency definition from Not AAN to AAN will not modify all previous awards to display as unique awards of the competence. It will only affect future awards with these now being recorded as separate awards. In the screenshot below the competency was originally non-ANN when first awarded (30/03/20 – the ‘First Award’ date) and was then extended (on 01/04/20 – the ‘Award Date’) to be valid until 31/05/20. Having then changed the definition to be AAN, and then awarding the competence again on 07/04/20 (so before the previous expiry date of 31/05/20) you can see that this has now been recorded as a separate line item.
Can users still report on the prior award when AAN isn’t selected?
It is not possible for a user to report on the prior award’s expiry when a not Always Award New (AAN) competency is defined. This is because it is being stored as one award in the database and the original expiry date is not retained.
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Send feedbackHow can a company view a cardholders' competencies?
This article details how an RIW System User can view competencies on a cardholders profile.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Assessor
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider
- Helpdesk
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: Search for My People
On the main dashboard, click on the Search for People shortcut.
Step 3: Search Criteria
Complete search criteria to find the cardholder and click on the Search button.
Step 4: Select cardholder
From the returned results, highlight the cardholder row and click on the Edit button.
Step 5: View competencies
Select either the National, Employer, Network, Project, Site or Zone Competencies tab from the left hand side of the cardholders profile. A list of competencies will display.
Step 6: Change view
The display of competencies will default to Valid Only. This can be changed to Show All by selecting the radio button.
Step 7: Change categories
The view can be limited to specific categories by selecting from the Categories drop down menu.
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Send feedbackHow can a company add competencies to multiple people?
This feature is designed to enable competencies to be awarded to more than one cardholder simultaneously. Competencies can be awarded to cardholder’s where the logged in company is either the primary, secondary or associated company.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Advanced Project Admin
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: Add Competencies to Multiple People shortcut
From the main dashboard, click on the Add Competencies to Multiple People shortcut. This shortcut is also available under the Competencies tab.
Step 3: Search for cardholders
Complete the search criteria fields to find the cardholders. Then click Search.
Using more search criteria will narrow down the search and return fewer, more relevant results.
Step 4: Choose cardholders
From the search results, highlight a cardholder and click the Add button. The cardholder's details will then appear in the Selected People box.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the cardholders that are to be awarded the competency appear in the Selected People box.
Step 5: Competency type
Select the competency type tab for the competency to be awarded, either National, Employer, Network, Project, Site or Zoned Based.
Step 6: Select competency and award date
Select the competency and award date by setting the below fields:
- Category will present a drop down list of the categories of competencies that have been configured (note it is not mandatory to drop down this list)
- Competency will provide a list of competencies to choose from by typing in the field. You can use keywords, or if known, the competency code (e.g the competency code for Induction Construction in Victoria is 24102).
- Award Date is the date the competency will be awarded to the cardholders.
When the competency information has been completed, click on the Add button.
Step 7: Evidence and verification
If the competency requires documentary evidence and verification, a box will appear to load the documents. This is done for each cardholder. Select a verification method (Verification Standard or Fast Track) by clicking on the radio buttons if available. For Employer based competencies only standard verification applies.
Once a document has been loaded against a cardholder's competence, the Select Files button changes to View Files.
When all evidence files have been loaded and the verification method selected, click the Finish button.
Please note that if Fast Track is selected, this will create a Shopping Basket item for payment as this is a non standard service (processing within 8 business hours).
Step 8: Results
A Results dialogue box appears. This box will include a link to the Shopping Basket if any Fast Track verifications have been included in the process.
Access to the Shopping Basket is dependent on the users credentials.
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Send feedbackHow can a company view competencies pending verification?
Competencies can be set up in the system as requiring evidence and or verification. If a competency has been defined as requiring evidence and verification, all uploaded evidence will be submitted to the RIW Service Desk for verification.
The RIW Service Desk review the submitted evidence against the Business Rules which have been developed by industry. The Business Rules provide consistency and an agreed minimum acceptance criteria for the verification of competency across RIW Program participants.
Where a competency has been submitted for verification, the progress of the competencies that are awaiting evidence verification can be monitored and maintained via the Competencies Pending Verification shortcut.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
Please note that users with Employer Admin - Read Only credentials cannot edit or change information detailed in this article. These users have read only access.
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: Competencies tab
Click on the Competencies tab from the tabs along the top of the page.
Step 3: Competencies Pending Verification shortcut
Click on the Competencies Pending Verification shortcut
Step 4: Listing of Pending Competencies to be Verified
A list of all the Standard verification competencies will appear.
Please note only pending verification and rejected competencies will be displayed.
This list can be filtered and restricted by the following:
Standard of Fast Track
By clicking on either of these buttons, only the Standard or Fast Track verification pending competencies will appear
Search Criteria
To search for a specific pending competency(ies), use the search criteria to narrow the search
Primary Employed Only
Tick the Primary Employed Only box to restrict the search to pending verification competencies awarded to primarily employed cardholders only.
Step 5: Rejected verification
A list of all competencies that have been rejected at verification can be created by setting the Status Criteria to Rejected
Step 6: Management for rejected verifications
Highlight the competency to be actioned and the following management can be performed
View Person
Check the profile of the cardholder.
View Verification Notes
Check the reason for the rejection and take corrective action if required.
Edit Dates
Editing the Award Date or the Expiry Date may be the corrective action
Resubmission can be performed by clicking on the Resubmit button.
Competencies should only be resubmitted for verification after corrective action has been performed to rectify the rejection.
Resubmit can be done as a Standard or a Fast Track verification by clicking the appropriate radio button. If fast track is chosen, a fee will be payable.
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Send feedbackHow does a company monitor forthcoming and expired competencies?
This article details how a company can monitor expired and expiring competencies in the RIW System for Rail Industry Workers who:
- Have an employment or association relationship with the company.
- Are currently swiped into a site if the company is also the Contractor In Charge.
This instruction applies to the following user roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - Read Only
- Helpdesk
1 | Go to and log in using your credentials. |
2 | Click on the Expiries menu. |
3 | On the Expiries screen, click on Competencies from the left-hand menu. The screen will automatically populate all currently awardable competencies that are:
A more refined search can be applied by populating the search fields. Or you can Show All, Show Forthcoming, or Show Expired by clicking on the appropriate radio button and Search. You can also export the list to a *.CSV file by clicking Export. |
4 | To fix an expiring item easily, click on the Rail Industry Worker record and Edit. This will take you to the Rail Industry Worker profile where you can immediately update the competency. |
To report on expiring competencies greater than 90 days, consider running a custom report or using the RIW Microsoft Power BI integration.
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Send feedbackHow does a company suspend or restore a project, site or zone based competency?
Occasionally, it may be necessary to suspend a cardholder’s project-based competency. If the competency is a requirement of a job role, in the event the competency is suspended, the job role will become invalid.
In addition, if that competency is assigned as a requirement (for entry to a Network, project or site), suspending the competency would prohibit the cardholder from accessing the network, project or site having this requirement.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
Step 1: Log in to the RIW System
Go to and login using your credentials.
Step 2: Search My People shortcut
Click on the Search My People shortcut from the main dashboard.
Step 3: Search for the cardholder
Use the Search criteria to find the cardholder's profile. from the returned list, highlight the cardholder's row and click the Edit button. The cardholder's profile will appear.
Step 4: Choose relevant Competencies tab
Click on either Project-Based Competencies, Site-Based Competencies or Zone-Based Competencies tab to generate a list of competencies.
Step 5: Competency listing
When the competency to be suspended has been located, click on the Suspend/Restore a Competency button.
Step 6: Suspend/Restore a Competency
To suspend a competency, click on the Suspend link against the the competency to be suspended.
Step 7: Suspension Reason
Provide a Suspension Reason from the drop down and click the Save button.
Step 8: Restoring a Competency
As per Step 6, click on the Restore link next to the competency to be restored. Once the link has been clicked, the competency has been restored.
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Send feedbackCompetency Rejection Reasons and Remediation
This article provides a quick guide to competency verification rejection reasons and what remediation steps can be taken to resolve the situation.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Advanced Project Admin
- Employer Admin
- Employer Admin (Premium Functionality Employer)
- Employer Admin - No Payment
- Employer Admin - No Payment (Premium Functionality Employer)
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Project Admin
- Site Admin
- Training Provider User
Rejection Reasons & Remediation
Rejection Reason | Rejection Note & Remediation |
Incorrect personal details | This competency was unable to be verified as the personal details shown on the evidence do not match those recorded against the worker's RIW profile. Please either contact the issuer and submit new evidence or resubmit the evidence along with a statutory declaration. |
Incorrect date of birth | This competency was unable to be verified as the personal details shown on the evidence do not match those recorded against the worker's RIW profile. Please either contact the issuer and submit new evidence or resubmit the evidence along with a statutory declaration. |
Incorrect evidence | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not meet the business rule. Please either contact the issuer and submit new evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Insufficient evidence | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not fulfil the requirements of the Business Rule. Please either contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Competency no longer awardable | This competency has been made non-awardable by the owner. Please refer to the job role screen on the worker’s RIW profile and add the correct version of the competency. Alternatively, please contact the owner of the job role for further information. |
Unit code missing | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not fulfil the requirements of the Business Rule. Statement of Attainments must show completion of the unit listed in the competency title in order for this competency to be verified. Please either contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Incorrect competency selected | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided does not fulfil the requirements of the Business Rule. Please either contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Evidence expired | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence has expired. Please contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence. |
Evidence altered | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided has been altered. Please contact the issuer and resubmit with required evidence or contact the RIW Service Desk for further information. |
Evidence illegible | This competency was unable to be verified as the evidence provided is illegible. Please resubmit with a clearer copy of the evidence required to meet the Business Rule. |
Refer to issuer | The RIW Service Desk is unable to verify this competency. Please refer back to the organisation that issued the certificate. |
No primary employer | This competency was unable to be verified as the cardholder does not have a current primary employer. Please resubmit after the cardholder gains primary employment in the RIW System. |
ID Check is pending | This competency was unable to be verified as the cardholder does not have a current ID check. Please resubmit after the ID check has been completed. |
Incorrect network for competency | This competency was unable to be verified as the incorrect Network has been selected. This competency is defined to a specific Network and should be awarded to that Network before resubmitting. |
Must be directly awarded by issuing RTO | This competency was unable to be verified as it must be directly awarded to the Rail Industry Worker in the RIW System by the issuing Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Please contact the RTO and request they award the competency in the RIW System. Please visit Changes to how Network-based competencies are managed in the RIW System for more information. |
Other - See notes | Free text for verifier to add notes. |
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Send feedbackHow are competencies created?
This article details how to request the creation of a new competency in the RIW System, which can then be used to award competencies to cardholders. The following table provides detail on the competency categories and the parties that can request their creation.
Competency category | Applies to | Who can request / authorise |
National | All RIW networks | National Rail Industry Worker Operations Committee or National Rail Industry Worker Matrices Committee |
Network | A specific network | Network Operator |
Employer based | A specific employer | Premium Functionality Employer |
Project based | A specific project | Employer or Contractor in Charge |
Site based | A specific site | Employer or Contractor in Charge |
Zone based | A specific zone | Employer or Contractor in Charge |
NOTE: Only authorised representatives for each category or organisation are able to create a competency.
This instruction applies to the following RIW System User Roles:
- Helpdesk
- Network Manager
- Network Manager - Read Only
- Employer Administrator (Premium Functionality Employer)
- Advanced Project Administrator
- Project Administrator
- Site Administrator
Step 1: Raise a Service Request
Go to by selecting category and sub-category mentioned in the below screenshot:
Step 2: Complete the Service Request
Fill in the required information, noting that some fields are marked mandatory (*).
Step 3: Lodge the Service Request
Once complete, click the Send button to submit the request. The RIW Service Desk will issue a ticket number and contact the authorised representative if further information is required.
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