Video - The RIW App (for Access Controlling & Spot Checking)

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How do I download the RIW App?

This article details how to download the RIW App to perform access controlling, spot checking or self-swipe.

To perform actions as an Access Controller, Spot Check or Self Swipe, you must have this option enabled by your employer in the RIW System.

This instruction applies to the following user roles:

  • Access Controller
  • Spot Checker
  • Rail Industry Worker who can Self-Swipe

iPhone users
Download the RIW App from the App Store

Android users
Download the RIW App from Google Play

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What are the minimum system requirements to use the RIW App?

To use the RIW App on the following devices, you will require:

Android device

  • Android 7.0 and up, 5G/4G/Wi-Fi & rear facing autofocus camera.

Apple iPhones or iPads

  • iOS 13.0 or later, 5G/4G/Wi-Fi & rear facing autofocus camera.

The latest version of the RIW App can be downloaded from the relevant app store here.

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Using the RIW App during RIW System service interruptions or when offline

If the RIW System is undergoing a scheduled service interruption, or where the Access Controller/Spot Checker does not have internet connectivity, the RIW App may still be used to check RIW cards.

RIW cards have an encrypted contactless chip stored within the plastic which can be securely authenticated and read by the RIW App using near-field communication technology (NFC), which essentially is a smart card reader.

If the card checker’s phone has NFC capabilities (and almost ALL do), the phone can read data directly from the RIW card chip. This does not require internet connectivity, enabling you to check an RIW card using NFC functionality anywhere.  When internet connectivity or the RIW System is restored, data is synced back to the RIW System.

IMPORTANT: Using the RIW App in offline mode or during RIW System service interruptions will NOT work with RIW virtual cards, as they do not have a smart chip.

IMPORTANT: The data held on an RIW card smart chip is updated when the RIW card was last used (that is, used to swipe in) by an RIW App.  When a card is swiped, it both reads and writes data to the chip.

For more information on how to use NFC on a smart device, please refer to RIW App for Access Controllers and RIW App for Spot Checkers.

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